National Cancer Awareness Day: November 7 was chosen as the date of observance to create awareness about early detection and lifestyles causing the cause.
Key Highlights
- The National Cancer Control Program was started in 1975 to facilitate the treatment of cancer in the country.
- The program was revised almost ten years later to promote prevention and early detection.
How Can We Self-Care for Cancer at Home?
Now a day, cancer patients are increasing day by day. Cancer is a disease that can not be treated fully but if we take the right treatment then it can help in building up strength and stamina during cancer. It is very important to take the right care of all aspects of health to lead a good life.
Here, we have provided a few cancer care tips to help you with self-care.
- Do Exercise: Doing gentle exercise during the treatment of cancer like taking short walks will surely help cancer patients in avoiding anemia. Exercise increases the oxygen capacity as well as even supports red blood cell count. One can even opt for different exercises like water aerobics, tai chi, yoga and swimming. All these exercise types will also help in rebuilding muscle tone. Exercise also helps in improving mood and outlook on life.
- Fix Your Priorities: Cancer patients lose lots of energy in the cancer journey. In life, there are many other challenges in which they also need to give their energy. Hence, it is greatly suggested to fix a few priorities. Treating any type of cancer involves several hours hence it is suggested to decide on where to put your energy. When you are suffering from cancer, your first priority should be to complete the cancer treatment successfully and survive. Do not allow negative thoughts to come into your mind. Do not entertain discouraging people in your life. Be positive. Do not get angry. Try to live a happy life.
- Ask For Help: During cancer disease, cancer patients do not have that much stamina to do their jobs themselves. It is not possible for them to go through cancer treatment alone. It is greatly suggested to authorize somebody else for bringing your medications from the medical store. One should hire a person for doing different jobs at home like cleaning the house, cooking meals and choosing groceries. During the cancer treatment, you should ask the staff of the clinic to help you in finding financial help and home healthcare. Staff working at the clinic will surely help you in this regard. You can even ask them for a few other medications to get a fast recovery from the cancer disease. You should ask for help without any doubt.
- Healthy Diet and Hydration: It is the most important tip to follow during cancer treatment by a cancer patient. Both drink and food are an important part of cancer treatment. It is important to follow a healthy diet plan that can increase your stamina and strength. It is very important to increase your stamina during cancer treatment. The right choice of food and drink surely helps in alleviating side effects. It is suggested to avoid eating processed meats with nitrates. Do not eat heavy foods. Cancer patients should eat easy-to-digest foods. Plant proteins such as beans, mushrooms and legumes are easy to digest as compared to meats. Cancer patients should drink a minimum of 8 to 10 glasses of water on a daily basis. It is strictly suggested to avoid taking alcohol and caffeine. It is best to eat strawberries, yogurt and blueberries. To maintain your weight, it is suggested to include milk, eggs and cheese in your diet.
- Take Good Care of Your Hair and Skin: During cancer treatment, it is suggested to take lots of care of your skin and hair. Before doing makeup, it is suggested to use a few moisturizers, particularly on the face. Using moisturizing soap is also a good opting while taking bath. During cancer treatment, the hair of the patients is almost lost. But in your case, if you still have hair then using mild shampoo is the best option. One can even opt for shampoos that are specially made for injured hair.
Cancer is dangerous and difficult to treat disease, hence one needs to follow a few cancer care tips to avoid worsening the condition. Given here tips will surely help a cancer patient in taking the right care.